Saturday 24 August 2024



MOVE: 12"
% IN LAIR: 20%
SIZE: L (20' long)
                Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Tanglemouths are worm-like creatures and are usually found in large cave systems or similar underground places. They prey on the creatures found in such locations and thus may decide to attack adventuring parties, especially if a group contains dwarves and/or gnomes. Despite their size, they are ambush predators and use darkness, their colouration and their sinuous bodies assist with their concealment, and thus they surprise on a roll of 1-3. Although blind, their sense of smell is acute and they can detect other creatures out to a range of 200 yards.

Their preferred method of attack is to ambush at a distance using blobs created by the numerous tendrils surrounding their mouths. This a gelatinous yellow substance resembling wax which they use to incapacitate their prey. They can spit a blob once per round up to 30 feet. When any blob successfully strikes a target, it instantaneously explodes in a great mass of sticky tendrils which quickly wrap themselves around the victim with various effects (rolled on 1d6):

  1. Target's hand and any object(s) it holds become glued to a nearby part of the body. Hand can be broken free (but still covered by tendrils) in 2 rounds.
  2. Target's foot is glued to the floor. Can be broken free (but still covered by tendrils) in 2 rounds.
  3. Target's head and any objects worn on it (helmet, etc) completely covered. Hearing impaired, vision occluded. If face uncovered, target will suffocate at the rate of 1 hit point per round. Can be broken free can (but still covered by tendrils) in 3 rounds.
  4. Target's body covered from waist upwards to shoulders, but head unaffected. Arms rendered immobile. Can be broken free can (but still covered by tendrils) in 6 rounds.
  5. Target's body covered from the waist down and glued to floor. Can be broken free can (but still covered by tendrils) in 6 rounds.
  6. Target's body almost entirely covered, rendering them immobile. Hearing impaired, vision occluded. Target will suffocate at the rate of 1 hit point per round. Can be broken free can only by using certain substances (see below) in 1d10+4 rounds. If the target is Large-sized, this will take 1d10+10 rounds.

A victim may have broken free of the substance but will still have the remains of it attached to them (i.e. they may have freed their hand but the object(s) it is grasping are still glued to it). The substance can be completely removed by the application of a pint of oil (lantern or torch oil will suffice) or a pint of any liquid containing alcohol (i.e. wine, brandy, etc). Oil will remove it in 5 rounds, alcohol in 3 rounds. If the tendrils are not removed, the victim of a partial covering must save vs. poison once per day or lose one hit point, and must make this check each day that the substance remains on their person.

However, if the victim is entirely covered in the substance, a greater quantity of either liquid is required and this is dependent on their Size. Small-sized creatures require 4 pints, Medium-sized creatures require 6 pints, and Large-sized creature require 10 pints. If either substance is not used in this situation, the victim will be trapped in a rock hard cocoon and must save vs. poison once per day or lose three hit points, and must make this check each day that the substance remains on their person.

Tanglemouths can also smash with their heads or bludgeon with their powerful tails (if approached from their rear or side quarter), with each form of attack inflicting 1-8 points of damage. If encountered in their lair, any treasure found will be from the remains of previous victims.    

Description: these creatures are coloured in various shades of grey and brown and their skin  has a stone-like texture. Their head and tail is covered with tough scales and their mouths are a mass of of tendrils which constantly writhe and twitch, only remaining still when the creature lies in ambush. These tendrils become vivid yellow when the creature is engaged in combat. On either side of their head there is an ovoid shape resembling an eye, although the purpose of these is unknown.


Saturday 3 August 2024






MOVE: 7"/15"

HIT DICE: 3 hit points

% IN LAIR: Nil









SIZE: S (8" long, 8" wingspan)


       Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Flockodiles resemble small winged crocodiles but, despite their name, these are not cold-blooded creatures. They live in large flocks and are equally at home in caves, woodland and similar places but may take up residence in ruined buildings or dungeons.

These creatures usually prey on small mammals and are attracted to the body heat of living creatures, and so may assail adventuring parties. They attack by grasping their victim with their claws and biting any exposed flesh. Although an individual flockodile is only capable of inflicting a single point of damage with its bite, a successful attack by these creatures means that 2-6 (2d3) of them have attached themselves to a target and each will inflict this damage cumulatively per melee round until removed (i.e. 4 flockodiles will inflict 4 hit points of damage per round). Up to 3 flockodiles can be removed per round. In flight they are agile and thus their armour class is 7, otherwise it is 8.

Flockodiles are very averse to large amounts of water and loud noises. Throwing water at them or by immersing oneself in water and/or loud shouts or clashing metal items together will drive them away. However, in the case of the latter this greatly increases the chances of wandering monsters being attracted by these sounds. A pint of water is sufficient to drive away four of these creatures, should they be attached to a victim.

Description: Flockodiles have greenish-yellow scales, small yellow eyes and greyish-yellow wings. Their undersides have a layer of wiry fur which is reddish-brown in colour.   

Saturday 6 July 2024

Death's Door...!

After my hiatus had a hiatus, this week's monster is the...



NO. APPEARING: Varies (see below)

ARMOR CLASS: 8 (larva) 6 (pupa) 4 (adult)

MOVE: 12" (larva) 15" (pupa) 20" (adult)

HIT DICE: 1-3 hit points (larva) 1 +3 (pupa) 3 (adult)

% IN LAIR: 80%


NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 (larva) 3 (pupa) 3 (adult) 

DAMAGE/ATTACK: Varies (see below) 






SIZE: 12" long (larva) 2-3' long (pupa) 4-6' long (adult) 

                Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Death's Door is the general name given to a creature that has various forms during its life-cycle, most of which mimic doors of various shapes and sizes. Generally considered to be a pest, these creatures can be found in populated places but also in ruins, dungeons and similar locations. 
It may be encountered in one of three of its life stages: larva, pupa and adult. All of these gain some sustenance from the object which they choose to mimic, leaving it in a much reduced condition but still strong enough to support the weight of the creature. Their limbs and underside exude a form of odourless acid which gradually breaks down the surface of the object as it is absorbed, and at the same time the creature's carapace takes on a convincing likeness of its form, colour and other details. They always mimic mundane objects without decoration and cannot absorb any metal parts, but can repurpose the iron, etc in order to produce convincing metal fittings. However, these are lighter to the touch and more fragile. They most commonly choose objects which are not subject to a great amount of use and so prefer secluded doors and similar things. In their larval form they are usually found on roofs and thus can much more easily avoid detection. 
Beneath their carapaces they have multiple pairs of tendrils attached to a slender body, all of which are blackish-brown in colour. These tendrils are very flexible and allow the creature to easily right itself if flipped onto its back. Their ovoid eyes are bright red and attached to long flexible stalks which are kept tucked away when the creature is immobile. The carapace is covered with numerous sensory organs that can resemble moss, knots of wood and other details, including locks, door knobs, studs and hinges in their pupa or adult form. These enable the creature to detect vibrations from movement and sound out to a range of 50 feet.

At night they become more active and will seek to gain sustenance from eating other creatures of various sizes. As larvae or pupae they will usually avoid creatures larger than themselves unless they outnumber them, but their adult form will attack individuals in adventuring parties etc. If not actively hunting, they will usually remain motionless unless disturbed in some overt way, i.e. being stepped upon, pushed, etc. In all of its forms it can leap away in order to escape, although it may also use this ability to make an attack (see below). They are immune to fire and acid but electrical and cold attacks affect them normally.
In any form, the camouflage employed by these creatures is extremely convincing and they will go unnoticed unless someone with the ability to find/remove traps specifically looks for them. Only then will the surface of a suspect door or other object seem slightly waxy and less natural than the real thing, but the various areas of segmentation etc on the carapace will still only be visible from certain angles, in a certain light, etc.

Larva: As larva, the creature is usually no more than 12" long or wide (or both). They commonly take the form of roof tiles, be they wood, slate, stone or some other material. In some instances they may also take the form of barrel tops, crate lids or other smallish objects in cellars, attics and similar places where they may not usually be disturbed.
Groups of 1-6 in number will be encountered in close proximity to each other (i.e. within 20 feet). They can leap up to 4 feet in one jump and may use this ability to launch themselves at a target, although this inflicts only 1 point of damage if successful. They can also bite (for 1-3 points of damage) or defend themselves by spraying a noxious, acrid cloud which causes paralyzation for 1-3 rounds unless a saving throw is made. However, they can only use this defence once every three hours.
Pupa: As pupa, these creatures will always be encountered as a group of four and typically in the form of a door but possibly also as a section of a roof, as wooden floor or wall paneling and the like. Each individual is never more than 2-3 feet wide of long (or both). If disturbed, they will attempt to leap away (up to 6 feet in one jump) or at an opponent, inflicting 1-4 points of damage. Two of their tendrils possess claws and they can also bite with their sharp mandibles, each inflicting 1-4 points of damage. They may also spray a noxious, acrid cloud which causes paralyzation for 2-8 rounds unless a saving throw is made, although they may only defend themselves in this manner once per hour.
Adult: In this form, the Death's Door is its most formidable. Only one creature will be encountered, usually in the guise of an ordinary wooden door. However, there is a 20% chance that three other doors within 100 feet are also home to adults, and if one is disturbed the others will reveal themselves and attack. Adults can leap up to 10 feet and inflict 1-6 points of damage if they successfully strike an opponent in this way. Their bite and two sharp talons each inflict 2-8 points of damage. Once per day they can spray a noxious acidic cloud which burns any exposed flesh inflicting 2-16 points of damage for three rounds. Any organic materials exposed to this cloud, i.e. clothing etc have a 20% chance of being destroyed. If the victim or the items are doused in water within 3 rounds, this effect is negated. The cloud affects an area some 20 feet around the creature. However, after using this form of defence the Death's Door will immediately attempt to escape, usually by leaping away if possible.

Saturday 4 May 2024

Scroll Dragon...!


MOVE: 10"/26"
HIT DICE: 12 (96 hit points)
% IN LAIR: 80%
TREASURE TYPE:  Special (see below)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8, 1-8, 2-12
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon and possible magic use
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
SIZE: L (50' long)
                Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
                Speaking: 100%
                Magic Use: 100%
                Sleeping: 20%

Scroll Dragons (sometimes also known as Parchment Dragons) are usually encountered deep within ruined castles, dungeons and similarly large structures. They prefer temperate areas that are not too cold or hot or damp, as the contents of their lairs may be ancient and fragile.

These creatures have an intense fascination for scrolls, books and other examples of written material, especially those dealing with magic and potions. They can freely use Polymorph Self when roaming the outside world and may be encountered in the guise of a sentient being when searching for objects to add to their lair. In both their natural and polymorphed form they possess an item that resembles a pair of eyeglasses with metal frames frames and thick, almost spherical lenses although, as the dragon possesses acutely sensitive faculties, it is not known why they choose to use them.

Whether in their natural or some other form, Scroll Dragons are normally friendly, talkative and erudite. If encountered in their lair, they will be found curled around a vast pile of books, scrolls, potions and similar items. Visitors will be permitted to peruse and read anything within this pile, but the dragon will never allow anything to be taken away. At any given time there is a 10% chance that the dragon is being visited by 1-3 magic users of at least 3rd level and these will protect the dragon and the lair if the need arises. Otherwise, they may or may not engage the adventuring party in conversation (at the Dungeon Master's discretion). The dragon will permit an adventuring party to stay at their abode (but not within the lair itself) should it deem that they are trustworthy. It may also send the party on quests, usually to gather information or to find an item it is interested in. In return, it will be more than happy to teach spells or pass on knowledge on all manner of subjects, and thus prove of great use to those wishing to train in order to rise in experience level.

Scroll Dragons are usually loathe to commit themselves to something as frivolous and barbaric as combat, but if pressed will use their claws (1-8 points of damage) and teeth (2-12 points of damage). However, it will much prefer to use breath weapon: a cloud of choking abrasive dust 6" long, 4" wide and 5" high. Creatures within this cloud must save vs. Dragon Breath or fall unconscious for 1d100 rounds. This cloud is also capable of extinguishing any fires, magical or mundane. It is impossible to Subdue these creatures, although they may be coerced (or at least bargained with) if the adventuring party possess an item that the dragon may have some interest in adding to its lair. All encountered Scroll Dragons are Ancient and know two of 1st to 6th level spells, as well as Polymorph Self.

There is a small cult associated with these dragons, albeit one which is very secretive and whose members are always magic users, clerics,scholars, librarians, teachers and those of similar professions. This does not worship the dragon but instead sees it as a font of great knowledge and magical power. Any Magic Users encountered in the dragon's lair will be cult members on pilgrimage.
The treasure the dragon possesses is primarily made up of the books etc mentioned above, although in amongst this are coins and other valuable objects equivalent to Treasure Type F. It covets all of these but will be willing to part with coins and jewels as payment for some task, service or object it might require. Stealing anything from the lair will immediately draw the ire of the dragon and it will always know if something is missing, however small.
Numerous legends and rumours have attached themselves to the dragon. One states that its eyeglasses can see into other planes or allow it to read any kind of writing. Another says that these dragons are extremely old and that its skin is covered in strange writing and symbols which foretell the future; perhaps even the end of the world. Opinion is divided as to whether there is only one of these creatures or that it is part of a small group.

Description: Scroll Dragons, as their name might suggest, have long flat bodies greatly resembling a roll of aged vellum. This is whitish-yellow in colour and is covered by indistinct traceries and patterns. Its four limbs are small and clawed, while its head is quite large and flat with a small mane which resembles a mass of smaller scrolls. Its large eyes resemble orbs of onyx veined with red and gold.

Saturday 11 November 2023

Frost Snail...!

Further to my previous post about the Flame Snail, I present to you the...


FREQUENCY: Very rare



MOVE: 4"


% IN LAIR: Nil


NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 per tentacle









       Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Frost Snails appear to be a larger (12 feet long, 10 feet tall) relative of the Flail Snail and Flame Snail. They will be encountered within ice caves or similarly cold places and will never venture into temperate zones unless they experience intense winter conditions.

It has one tentacle for every 2 hit dice that it possesses. Every second tentacle will have the ability to cast a Cone of Cold as an 8th level Magic-User, while the rest can each fire a large, needle-like dart of ice out to a range of 5". Each dart inflicts 2-12 points of damage.

Frost Snails are not known for their speed, but should any victim fall beneath it they will receive 1-6 points of damage per turn by being crushed by the snail's weight. Cold-based attacks, magical or mundane, will have no effect upon it and will simply allow the snail to regain 1 HD of hit points per attack, should it have lost any previously. Heat and flame-based attacks affect it normally.

If the snail has a violent death its shell will quickly begin to disintegrate (in 1d4+1 rounds) and will radiate an intensely cold cloud of mist out to 3" in all directions. Any creature caught within this mist will suffer 2-12 points of damage unless a saving throw versus dragon breath is made, in which case the damage is halved. However, if a Cone of Cold is cast upon the shell, this will halt the melting process.

Intact shells are very rare and usually only found when a Frost Snail has died naturally, or unless the aforementioned circumstances have occurred in a very timely fashion. The shell weighs 500 pounds (5000 gold pieces weight) and can be fashioned into items that are completely resistant to cold, magical or mundane. Larger icicle-like projections that cover the shell can be fashioned into weapons of +1 to +3, if a skilled artificer can be found. A complete shell is worth 10,000 gold pieces - partially melted examples have this value reduced by 2000 gold pieces per round they have melted before a preservative Cone of Cold was cast.

Description: Frost Snails are a scintillating blue-white in colour. The shell appears to be highly polished, glass-like ice while its body and tentacles are semi-opaque and glisten with a layer of frost.

Saturday 4 November 2023

Shark Eater...!

After a bit of hiatus, this week's monster is once again inspired by imagery from the very amusing Weird Medieval Guys. I've included the picture that created this idea at the end of this post. 





MOVE: 10"/26"


% IN LAIR: Nil



DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12, 2-12, 2-8, 2-6






SIZE: L  (6' tall, 12' long, excluding arms)


       Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Shark Eaters (a name derived from the Elvish word for these creatures, Taw'rsiar) are large predators that are usually found in the oceans. However, as they are able to live for some time out of the water, they might also be encountered on coastlines or on island shores. They resemble sharks with other more fish-like physical features but greatly differ from both because they possess a pair of large powerful arms with wide taloned hands.

Although they usually prey on other large sea creatures, they are not averse to attacking ships in order to consume their crews and any living cargo. To do so, they use either their arms to climb aboard or their wide, tooth-filled mouths to chew their way through the hull. As they are powerful swimmers, they may simply approach a ship at high speed and then leap aboard. In this manner they are quite capable of destroying the sail or masts of smaller vessels. They can then move around by using their arms in combination with the powerful action of their tail.

When attacking, they usually smash or lash out with their arms (which have a reach of 8 feet), inflicting 2-12 points of damage. They may also use their hands to punch or maim for 2-12 points of damage. It may also defend its rear quarter by lashing out with its tail, inflicting 2-6 points of damage.
Although they usually do not attack with their mouths, should a victim be within 3 feet of the creature it may bite and inflict 2-8 points of damage. If the target is smaller than human-sized and receives 6 or more damage in a single attack, it will be swallowed and has 6 melee rounds to free itself. If it cuts its way out (reduces the Shark Eater to 0 hit points) within this time it will not be dead. Each attack from inside is at a cumulative -1 per round with regard to damage; thus attacks on the 1st round cause damage -1, those on the 2nd cause damage -2, etc.

If this creature is in combat but is reduced to two or less hit points, it may chose to vomit forth a noisome substance, the contents of its gullet, out to a range of 1" and across an area up to 1" wide. Although not particularly corrosive, this substance will create a burning sensation on any exposed flesh for 2-8 rounds and, combined with the powerful stench, will reduce all attacks and initiative rolls by the victim by 1. In this time the Shark Eater will try to make good its escape, if possible.
Shark Eaters have occasionally been captured by the crews of pirate ships and used as part of their boarding attacks. Adult creatures captured in the wild are impossible to use in this manner but younger examples (initially possessing 3 hit dice) are more pliable. As they possess an intelligence similar to a dog they can be thus raised and trained so that, as adults, they become a formidable asset. However, Shark Eaters kept in this manner must be caged, their skin regularly doused with water and, as they are voracious eaters, they require a not inconsiderable amount of food daily. Even when kept half-starved, they still require 20-30 pounds of fresh food per day. Because of this, only the more larger and capable pirate crews can afford to keep these creatures. There is a limited trade in Shark Eaters, with trained adult examples worth up to 5,000 gps.  
Description: Shark Eaters are usually grey-green in colour, with grey being the predominant colour on the uppermost part of their bodies. Flecks or streaks of white are randomly spotted across their bodies. Their scales are generally small and smooth, although those along their arms and hands are larger are more pronounced. Their eyes resemble those of sharks but are much smaller, with larger yellowish whites. The interior of their mouths are blueish-white while their teeth (of which they have a great many) are blood red fading to white at the roots. 

Saturday 2 September 2023

Golden Shrieker...

This week's monster is once again inspired by imagery for the very amusing Weird Medieval Guys Twitter account. I've included the picture that created this idea at the end of this post.





MOVE: 12"/18"


% IN LAIR: Nil


NO. OF ATTACKS: 6 (in complete form)

DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6, 1-6, 1-6, 1-6, 1-8, 1-8


SPECIAL DEFENSES: Splitting, paralysation




SIZE: L  (7' tall in complete form)


       Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Golden Shriekers are monsters consisting of two creatures living in a symbiotic relationship. They are most commonly encountered in underground places, but might also be found residing within ruins and similarly lonely places. It can utter a terrible shriek which acts as if it were a Fear spell cast by a 3rd level Magic-User, but may only use this form of attack once per day. It will also use the claws on its hands and feet (inflicting 1-6 points of damage) and teeth (inflicting 1-8 points of damage per mouth) against its chosen victim. Any individuals carrying gold items will become the main focus of their onslaught, with those possessing the most gold attracting the most attention. The flesh of any victims of the Shrieker will be consumed by its head, whilst any gold items will be greedily consumed by the mouth within the lower part of the creature's body.

Should the Shrieker lose 75% of its hit points, it may choose to split into two parts. The head will detach itself from the body and use its wings to continue fighting individually or attempt escape by flying away, and possesses 50% of the remaining hit points. However, in this form it will also use a 4 foot long whip-like 'tail' which will paralyse any opponents struck by it that fail to save vs paralysation. The other part of the body may chose to fight or flee, and possesses the other 50% of the remaining hit points. When whole, the Shrieker has an armor class of 4, but when separate each part has an armor class of 6. The treasure the creature possess will be found within the gullet of its lower half, although it will be reduced to misshapen lumps.
Description: These creatures have long scaly limbs and patterned bat-like wings extending from a large round head which is covered with thick black bristles. This and the body also possess their own set of large glassy eyes and a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. Both mouths and eyes are a vivid blood red. The body of the Shrieker is a dull gold colour but after feasting this takes on the appearance of being brightly polished.